West Lane MacDonald's Family and Friends

This is a site used to keep our families up todate on the comings and goings of our extended families. Lets use it to share stuff that will help us stay in touch and in tune with each other.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Happy Mothers Day Mom! Where have they years gone and how did you get time to do all the things that you have done in your life. From the years in No. 2 where dimes can cause lightning bolts and Thunder loud enough to keep you on the right track. Teaching and riding and having fun in Alberta. Married with 5 children who now have grown up children of their own. Soon to be a Great Grandmother (Jimmy and Sarah before other rumors start spreading and I get in trouble for another 25 years).

You have raised your children well and for that we are thankful.

Happy Mothers day to all the current mothers who have also raised stong families.

Have a great day.


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