West Lane MacDonald's Family and Friends

This is a site used to keep our families up todate on the comings and goings of our extended families. Lets use it to share stuff that will help us stay in touch and in tune with each other.

Friday, September 08, 2006

a Few More... I could not resist!

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  • At 5:52 AM, Blogger Pat said…

    What a dear little Boy! Dave and Mame, thanks so much for posting all the pictures. it makes me feel so close to all of you out west. Sarah looks great and Jimmy's ear to ear smile says it all! I can hardly wait till Christmas to hold baby Logan! It's 8:30, I'm about to head out for my run and had to open to the blog to check for the pictures first... thanks so much

  • At 12:34 PM, Blogger David Mac said…

    Thank you David and Mame for the beautiful pictures. Our first little grandson, and so handsome! We can hardly wait to hold him and give him lots of hugs and kisses. What a wonderful gift...thank you Sarah and Jim.
    Mom and Dad xoxoxox


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