West Lane MacDonald's Family and Friends

This is a site used to keep our families up todate on the comings and goings of our extended families. Lets use it to share stuff that will help us stay in touch and in tune with each other.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hey guys!
Just wanted to let everyone know that after 18 months, I have recieved my surgery date for my knee! I go in December 11th, which means I will be recovering during the holidays!
Here are a couple pictures from last weekend at the Edmonds fam reuinion. We went out to eat, drank some specials and most importantly we beat the guys at Cranium!


  • At 10:26 AM, Blogger David Mac said…

    Great Pictures Colleen. Edmonds look fit and healthy and haveing a great time

  • At 2:30 PM, Blogger Pat said…

    Thanks Colleen for posting these- we sure had fun!


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