West Lane MacDonald's Family and Friends

This is a site used to keep our families up todate on the comings and goings of our extended families. Lets use it to share stuff that will help us stay in touch and in tune with each other.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Lions Breakfast

Happy New Year's Eve!
We went to the Lion's Club Breakfast in Pasadena & then on to view the floats being made....at floor level & only for the Lion's Club (thanks Alice!). The McJannet's & Shelley Facer (from Australia) went with Dallas (originally
from Calgary) & Kathy., (nursing friend from early first days in LA)...met up with the Hughes Family from Ojai (& former Ottawa neighbors) as well as with Alice & Yas (grand PooBa & First 'Lady' of the southern Calif Lions Club).


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