West Lane MacDonald's Family and Friends

This is a site used to keep our families up todate on the comings and goings of our extended families. Lets use it to share stuff that will help us stay in touch and in tune with each other.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Future Reunion ?

We camped at Cape Lumiere near Rexton. A lighthouse was across the street on the Northumberland Strait. 500 yards away is a harbour where fisherman will deliver lobster to the trailor. Beside that is a 5 mile sandy beach with no cottages on it- plus dogs are allowed. They have 3 cottages to rent also. Sounds perfect!


  • At 9:29 AM, Blogger David Mac said…

    Lets get the dates going for 2007!

  • At 10:34 AM, Blogger Pat said…

    Lobster season is August 5, why not the second week of August? how does that fit Cathy's schedule? Of course, it doesn't have to be in lobster season ,but for the few lobster lovers it is ideal. The second week in July is also good for us.... what about the rest of the family? What about Mom? Could we take her with her O2? I think Janice and Bob should get a break too.... we'll see at the time, maybe she would be well enough to come or Bob could come home??? i would be willing to look after her so you could all get together but J & B need to be in!


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