West Lane MacDonald's Family and Friends

This is a site used to keep our families up todate on the comings and goings of our extended families. Lets use it to share stuff that will help us stay in touch and in tune with each other.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mowing the grass on the roof?


It is hard enough keeping the grass in the yard mowed let alone the stuff on the roof!!
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Student Housing


This is just off the University with is free to all Sweds, like heath care. Well they may pay foe it in their 60% income tax. Anyone who wants to go to UNiversity and is capable can go ...at no cost to them.
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Church was first build in 1100 AD


I say first build because when Sweden took this area from Denmark they destroyed the church in about 1650 AD
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what is better than watching small town high school footall?

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900 year old church in Lund Sweden

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Same square looking towards the Airport


Everyone travels bicycle. Not mountain bike, not road bikes, not 10 speeds or ven 3 speeds just the old one speed pedal what you got bikes
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Main Square in Copenhagen

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I was thinking that this building needed a little more advertsing!
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Saturday, October 18, 2008

another autumn day in NB

Saturday, October 11, 2008

4 wheeling in Albert co

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Still Cruising

Making a wish at Trevi Fountain, Rome

Larry & Kelly in Marseille...it is 5pm somewhere!

Leaving Marseille...heading for Barcelona

Kelly & Larry looking for culture in Marseille!

Still Cruising

Our only rainy day...tramping through Cinq Terre...5 Islands, west coast Italy...north of Pisa; on one of the many damp ferry rides

Larry strolling through the rain (the weather did get nicer!)

Hat, umbrella, jacket...what else do I need? Oh yes...shopping!

One of the beautiful Italian Rivera Island hamlets...primarily accessible by ferry

More Cruising

View of the cabin looking toward the cabin door...had 2 TV's!

You walked into the cabin, BR on the left, into the Bedroom area & then into the living room & out onto the balcony

Sunset from our balcony...leaving Rome area

Friday, October 03, 2008

Good Times!

This was our first 'dress-up dinner...ate with all of the grp....fun times!

Larry, Kelly & Janet planning our next Athen's tour. Note the swimming pool by the ocean. They had at least 4 pools & multiple hot tubs.

Cathy & Cathy

Larry & the 'Harem'!
Cathy Emmerson, Kathy Stillson Flabela, Larry, Dallas , Kelly & Janet O'Donnell

My Favorite Time of the Day

On our balcony at Sunset...that is the 'Sailaway' time of the day....pull up from one port of call and head on to the next.
The Margarita's were wonderful!


An interesting little Island....very much like 'Mamma Mia'. Not a place I would go racing back to....big on the nightlife...it is the 'Key West' or 'Palm Springs ' of Europe.


I really enjoyed Turkey. This is the Blue Mosque...we were there at the busiest time of the year ...a major religious holiday that called for folks from all over Turkey to go to a major Mosque!

Isle of Capri

The Isle of Capri was beautiful....I could certainly spend a week there! We took a ferry from Naples to spend the day there.


Athens was great to see but doubt if I would ever go back. One of my favorite moments was lunching with Cathy & Larry!



This was the view from our hotel room. We had 2 large windows looking in different directions. It was fascinating to watch the traffic on the canals. I loved the water 'ambulances'!


This is a small Island just off of Venice. We all went on a 3 Island tour one afteroon. I was thrilled that the choppy ride in the water taxi's didn't bother me. That was far worse than the ship! Very colorful ...Dallas tried a different drink on each Island (I tried the ice cream!).


This is the Emerald Princess...our room was one deck above the lifebaots...last room on the side we see (at back of boat). We had a HUGE deck & the room was fantastic...little living room, a bathtub!
This is a shot of the ship as it was coming into Venice to pick us up to start the cruise.


Fall Day Oct 3

Trying out my new camera, Leaves are for Jenn
